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UZH for Teaching Staff

diverse - innovative - together

UZH promotes curiosity, intellectual flexibility and enthusiasm for lifelong learning with its diverse range of study programmes. It is committed to teaching of high didactic quality, which is research-based and competence-oriented at all levels and is continuously improved by means of appropriate measures. Finally, UZH also creates space for innovation in teaching and studies, and develops scientific education in the interaction of the university community in a focused way and with a view to the challenges of the future.

  • Gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft der Lehre

    Together We Shape the Future of Teaching

    We actively promote networking among lecturers and thus strengthen the sense of belonging within the teaching community. Watch the video to find out how instructors work together to develop new teaching methods at UZH.

Teaching News

Weiterführende Informationen

AI in University Teaching

More about AI in University Teaching

What does the emergence of generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT mean for teaching?

Information on the topic and concrete suggestions can be found on our Teaching Tools platform.

Luftaufnahme vom Hochschulquartier. Text: Mein Studium. Unsere Zukunft.

Future of Teaching at UZH

UZH offers students an excellent environment full of opportunities and a level of diversity that is unprecedented in Switzerland. Teaching at UZH meets the changing demands of a society in flux – creatively, innovatively and on a wide variety of levels. We have launched the Future of Teaching initiative in order to more vigorously and strategically coordinate and promote these developments. 

Dive into the world of STS

The UZH School for Transdisciplinary Studies (STS) is a hub for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studying and teaching. Develop future-oriented courses, network with leading experts and practice partners and contribute your expertise to current topics such as sustainability, ethics and digital transformation.

Full English Version Coming Soon

We are currently working on a full English translation of our page. Stay tuned!